Cookies Policy

When you connect to our website, Eden-Roc Riviera Collection may use different cookies that are installed on your device. Some cookies are subject to your prior consent and will only be stored if you have previously accepted them. To ensure the transparency of the personal data we collect and process, we explain to you, through this cookie policy, what a cookie is, what types of cookies are used, for what purpose, who are the recipients of the data collected and what means you have to manage these cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored on the hard drive of the terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, gaming console connected to the internet, etc.) of an Internet user during the consultation of a website, an advertisement, the reading of an email, the installation or use of any software or mobile application, whatever the type of device used. When you connect to a website or use a mobile application, a cookie may be transmitted to your browser by the website or application used. Your web browser will keep it for a certain period of time and will return it to the web server to each new connection.

Our commitments?

In order to respect your privacy, Eden-Roc Riviera Collection wants to reassure you: the simple fact of visiting our website (home page or directly on another page of the website from a browser for example) and whether or not to continue its navigation does not constitute acceptance and does not entail the installation of Cookies subject to your prior consent. Until you have accepted them, no cookies subject to prior consent will be deposited or read on your device. Refusal to give your consent or lack of choice does not prevent access to our website.
How long is my choice kept (consent or refusal)?
We are aware that consent to “be followed” can be forgotten by those who have expressed it at some point. For this reason, your choice to install cookies is valid for 6 months after the first deposit in your terminal. Once this period has expired, your choice will be requested again. In addition, you can change your choice at any time via this Cookies Policy page available at the bottom of each page of our website.

What Cookies are used?

Different types of cookies are stored on the website

I. Technical cookies necessary for the proper operation of the website

These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website and/or the provision of a service expressly requested by the user. They are not disabled by default. The data collected by these cookies are stored for the duration of your session or for a period necessary to ensure the proper operation of the website.

These include Cookies which have as purpose:
- keep the choice expressed by the users on the storage of cookies;
- enable authentication to a service, including those aimed at ensuring the security of the authentication mechanism, for example by limiting robotic or unexpected access attempts;
- remember the contents of a shopping cart or to charge the user for the product(s) and/or service(s) purchased;
- allow the customization of the user interface (for example, for the choice of the language or the presentation of a service), where such customization constitutes an intrinsic and expected element of the service;
- allow load balancing of equipment contributing to a communication service, etc.

II. Other Cookies

The legal basis for all the following cookies is your prior consent. During your first visit to the website, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice.
They are only deposited if you accept them.

Audience measurement Cookies

Audience measurement cookies allow Eden-Roc Riviera Collection to understand how visitors access the website and to obtain statistics about their browsing path to optimize their ergonomics, content, etc.

The statistical data derived from the cookies are kept for a period allowing a relevant comparison of the hearings over time, namely a period of twenty-four months, which is not automatically extended during new visits. The information collected via these cookies shall be kept for a maximum period of twenty-four months. The abovementioned life and retention periods shall be subject to periodic review. This data does not allow Eden-Roc Riviera Collection to identify you directly. No nominative data are stored and no statistical data are cross-checked with data otherwise held by Eden-Roc Riviera Collection.

Advertising Cookies

Advertising Cookies allow Eden-Roc Riviera Collection to display the most relevant advertising based on your browsing history.

In the section dedicated to the recipients of personal data as well as on the Cookies Policy, you will find the list of data controllers, including joint data controllers and third-party partners using cookies or having communicated the information collected via this website.

Social networks and video platforms

The purpose of the cookies that are placed via social network buttons is to allow site users to facilitate content sharing and improve usability.

These social network buttons use cookies directly placed by third-party service providers in order to track the navigation of Internet users whether you are users of these platforms or not and whether or not you are connected to the social network during your navigation.

We use the following social media plugins: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Threads, X, YouTube, Linkedin.

We inform you that Eden-Roc Riviera Collection does not collect any data through these cookies but allows these third parties, through the installation of these features on its website, to collect data on visitors to the website.

Who are the recipients of the data collected by cookies?

Only have access to your personal data, within the limits of their respective attributions:
1. The authorized services of Eden-Roc Riviera Collection;
2. Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc;
3. Oetker Collection;
4. Service providers acting as Data Processors:
- Shopify to manage the collection of consents or refusals to place or read cookies;
- Meta, Google AdSense, DoubleClick Google, Bing Microsoft Corporation, Akamai Technologies for marketing purposes, advertising purposes, etc. ;
- GOOGLE, which has access to data relating to your navigation when you accept it through our cookie banner. Google Analytics uses these cookies to help the website analyze the use of the site by its users. The data generated by the cookies concerning your use of the site (including your IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google. In this context, your data may be transferred outside the European Union to the United States. As such, we inform you that the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission relating to data protection have been signed between Google and Eden-Roc Riviera Collection in the context of the use of the Google Analytics service and that as such, any transfer of your data to a third country in the European Economic Area, including the United States, for hosting or subsequent processing purposes carried out by Google in its capacity as sole Data Controller would be carried out under conditions of security and confidentiality deemed adequate under European legislation. For more information on the data processing carried out by Google concerning Google Analytics, please check their Privacy Policy.

5. Third parties acting as joint Data Controllers:
- the aforementioned social networks and platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Threads, X, YouTube, Linkedin, etc.) have access to your browsing history on our website when you accept it through our cookie banner. We inform you that these joint data controllers are solely responsible for any transfers and processing of data carried out within and / or outside the European Economic Area by means of social network cookies. For more information on the methods of data processing carried out by these third parties, please refer to their Privacy Policies.

Eden-Roc Riviera Collection may also be required to share your personal data, if necessary, to protect your vital interests or those of another natural person, or to comply with a legal obligation to which it is subject as well as for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
How to exercise your GDPR rights?
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the storage and / or reading of cookies subject to your prior consent at any time from our Cookies Policy page available at the bottom of each page of our website. In accordance with, and within the limits of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right of access the data concerning you or to request their erasure. You also have a right to object, a right to rectification, a right to restriction of processing of your data, a right to data portability.

To exercise any of your rights, please send your request:

By post :

« To the data protection officer »
Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc
Client Service Center Eden-Roc Riviera Collection
Boulevard J. F. Kennedy, CS 10029
06 605 Antibes Cedex

By email :

Any request must specify, in object, the reason for the request, the address to which the response must be sent, the company concerned by the request (Eden-Roc Riviera Collection) and be accompanied by any element allowing you to justify your identity.

Eden-Roc Riviera Collection will send you its response within a maximum of one (1) month from the date of receipt of your request. This period may however be extended by two (2) months due to the complexity and number of requests.

If you consider, after having contacted Eden-Roc Riviera Collection, that your GDPR rights are not respected or that the protection of your data is not ensured in accordance with the Applicable Regulation to the processing of personal data, you have the right, at any time, to lodge a complaint to a competent supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, (example in France, the CNIL: directly on the CNIL website or by post to: CNIL - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07).